Google hangout


Google Hangouts is an online virtual meeting tool that allows you to chat, video chat, and share your screen with up to 10 participants.

Access Hangouts

The method for access varies depending on which account you wish to access.

Gustavus Account

After visiting, enter your full Gustavus email in the email field. (example: "" NOT "".) Google will forward you to the Gustavus login page where you login with your Gustavus credentials.

General Gmail Account

After visiting, enter your gmail address and your password. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you may be asked to enter a code before Google Drive will allow you to access your files. Two Factor Authentication is optional and takes deliberate, specific steps to set up. If you're reading this, and have no idea what two-factor authentication is, you likely don't have it and thus, do not need to worry. For more information regarding two-factor authentication, please see Google's two-factor authentication information page.

Starting a Hangout

Click Start a Video Hangout in the lower right. Invite others by typing in their gustavus or gmail address.