Björling Music Festival

Gustavus Adolphus College Department of Music welcomes all high school students and directors to our Björling Music Festival. Each day is dedicated to a different ensemble: band, jazz, orchestra, choir, and wind ensemble. There will be many opportunities to work with renowned guest artists, to perform in great venues, and to interact with students and faculty from Gustavus.


Honor Band

CANCELED for the 24-25 academic year

Centered on creativity in performance and education, the Honor Band Festival brings together more than 250 students from 60+ upper Midwest high schools forming two all-state caliber symphonic bands. Join Dr. James Patrick Miller, Dr. Heidi Johanna Miller, and Dr. Karrin Meffert-Nelson for a full day of rehearsal labs, masterclasses, clinics with faculty, a special concert featuring the Gustavus music ensembles, and a finale concert in Christ Chapel.



Honor Orchestra

CANCELED for the 24-25 academic year

 Students will participate in masterclasses and clinics with string faculty from Gustavus, culminating in a festival concert not to be missed. This ensemble is open to string players only.



Vox Lucia Festival

CANCELED for the 24-25 academic year.

The Vox Lucia Vocal Festival for Leadership & Singing will bring together outstanding singers and fine choral repertoire in a powerful one-day experience. Students will refine their musical skills through engaging music rehearsals and masterclasses, learn from nationally recognized guest speakers on a variety of topics, and consider new ways to use their voices and share their stories.




CANCELED for the 24-25 academic year

The Windvitational brings three of the regions finest high school wind bands to campus for a relaxed day of workshops, collaboration, and artistry. The Windvitational is designed to be about process and pedagogy as well as performance. Ensembles have the opportunity to work with Gustavus faculty and ensembles. Directors are also given the opportunity to mentor Gustavus music education students during the day.