Why We Work Together

How shared governance enables us to effectively discharge our shared responsibility to advance the mission and vision of the College.

October 11, 2013, 2:30–4:00 pm, Heritage Room (JC 215)


  1. Moderator's introduction (5 minutes)
  2. How does shared governance help ensure that Gustavus is a wisely managed enterprise? (15 minutes)
  3. In what specific ways does shared governance help advance the Mission? (15 minutes)
  4. We talk about what shared governance is. What is it not? (15 minutes)
  5. Does shared governance look any different in a time of (potentially) dramatic change within the academy? (15 minutes)
  6. Open discussion (25 minutes) – continue any of the above or address other aspects of "Why We Work Together"

Related Specific Topics

Suggested by trustees, administrators, and faculty members.

Suggested Readings

Notes From the Open Session

Notes from the October 11, 2013, open session

More Ideas? Couldn't Attend?
