WorkshopsTuesday, September 24 at 3:30 p.m.

Climate Change Research – Behind the Curtain
Facilitator: Jeff La Frenierre, Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, Gustavus
The rapid retreat of mountain glaciers is one of the most immediate and visible impacts of climate change. Based on ongoing research in Ecuador, learn why mountain glaciers are especially sensitive indicators of climate change, how glaciers in Ecuador are being impacted, and the consequences of glacier loss for nearby communities. Then, try your hand at performing climate change research by analyzing newly collected glacier data using advanced geospatial software. No previous experience necessary! Limited to 34 people.
Location: Beck Room 303

Facilitated Discussion: How Should We Meet the Challenges of a Warming Planet? 
Facilitators: Pamela Conners, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and students from the Public Deliberation and Dialogue program
Join small-group conversations about how to meet the challenges of a warming planet. Participants will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of three different policy approaches for addressing a changing climate. 
Location: St. Peter Banquet Room

Eating Our Way Into and Out of Climate Change?
Facilitator: James Dontje, Director, Johnson Center for Environmental Education, Gustavus
Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.That leads to the claim that we have eaten our way into climate change, for example, by the kind and amount of animal protein we consume. Likewise, there are claims that we can combat climate change by choosing the right diet, like only eating plant protein.The arguments can be contentious, particularly on the question of meat-eating and vegetarianism.This presentation addresses these ideas, discusses the science behind them, and offers food examples and cooking demonstrations that complement the discussion.
Location: Nobel Hall Teaching Kitchen Room 1407

Framing Climate Change in Society and Local Governance 
Facilitators: Rebecca J. Romsdahl ‘95, professor in the Earth System Science & Policy Department at the University of North Dakota
Learn about the significance and variety of ways climate change is and can be framed in societal discussion and policy-making. Framing can bridge divisions and open new solution ideas. Dr. Romsdahl’s teaching and research examines issues at the interface between environmental science and public policy. The workshop was co-created with Dr. Gwendolyn Blue from the University of Calgary, Canada.
Location: Beck Hall Room 117

How to Speak and Listen So Politicians Will Act on Climate
Facilitators: Members of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Citizens' Climate Lobby leaders will lead a hands-on session about the importance of bipartisan citizen engagement on climate solutions and how to communicate with political leaders.The workshop will be action-based and attendees will practice making effective phone calls, writing letters to the editor, and planning for your next visit with your elected officials.
Location: Heritage Banquet Room

Global Warming and Our Energy Future
Facilitator: Chuck Niederriter, Professor of Physics, Gustavus
Dive into the mitigation of climate change in a workshop exploring ideas in the book Global Warming and Our Energy Future, by Gustie grad Jason Smerdon ’98, Lamont Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University. 
Location: Nobel Hall Room 1413

How to Have Difficult Conversations About Climate Change
Facilitator: Nicole Ektnitphong ’15, Deep Canvas Expert at Minnesota 350
It is difficult to have conversations about climate change with people in our lives who don't care about or don't believe in it. In this workshop, participants will learn skills for evoking values-based conversations and finding common ground by practicing asking open-ended questions and actively listening to responses. 
Location: Beck Hall Room 115

Methane Emissions from Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic
Facilitator: Dr. Katey Walter Anthony is a biogeochemist,ecologist, and climate change scientist at the University of Alaska Dr. Walter Anthony is a celebrated research scientist who conducts groundbreaking research into how Arctic lakes may be releasing more methane due to global warming. She is a National Geographic Explorer whose research has been prominently featured in the media. She loves field work in remote places such as Siberia and the Alaskan and lives here in Nicollet County!
Location: Beck Hall Room 111

Using Artistic Techniques to Engage with Climate Change Data 
Facilitator: Bailey Hilgren ’17, graduate student in musicology and environmental studies
Traditional methods of disseminating information about climate change are important for continued scientific progress but can be inaccessible and rarely communicate the important emotional and cultural dimensions of environmental issues. The arts, on the other hand, excel at addressing emotions and culture but can benefit from grounding in scientific findings. In this workshop, participants will explore ways to combine communication methods traditionally used separately in the arts or sciences through the use of data sonification, visualization, and storytelling techniques, and will have the opportunity to create their own data-driven artistic works about climate change.
Location: Beck Hall Room 113

How Minnesota-Based Organizations are Working to Reduce Emissions
Facilitator: Laura Triplett, Gustavus geology department 
Members of the Minnesota Sustainable Growth Coalition will share how they are are setting science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets and working to reduce emissions throughout their operations and supply chains. This panel discussion will include representative from Best Buy, Aveda, University of Minnesota, Environmental Initiative, and Xcel Energy.
Location: Beck Hall 101

An Indigenous Perspective on Climate Change: How Healing and De-Constructing Consumption in Your Life Will Save Unci Maka (Mother Earth)
Facilitator: Cânté Sütá-Francis Bettelyoun, Oglala Lakȟóta-Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, co-founder Buffalo Stard People Healing Circles; Director, Native American Medicine Gardens, University of Minnesota
How did Indigenous cultures change from co-existing and thriving with Unci Maka (Mother Earth) to contributing to climate change? The movement to heal Unci Maka has begun a realization that we need to heal ourselves first. Climate change is just one of many symptoms of the unhealthiness of the human species. The goal of this discussion is to lead to positive actions.
Location: Alumni Hall

Horse Nation of the Ocheti Sacowin
Facilitator: James Star Comes Out, artist, presenter and horse regalia-making consultant
Following the workshop, James Star Comes Out will give a presentation on the Horse Nation of the Ocheti Sakowin. After his talk, James will demonstrate the traditional horse dressing and surrounding ceremony of the Ocheti Sakowin. In order to save the planet and reverse climate change we have to understand ourselves as part of the natural world. Just as others are studying plants and their communication with us, our culture includes all our relatives in understanding our existence on this planet. Our co-existence with our relatives; the plants, animals, microbes, water and all, teaches us how to exist on this planet in a healthy and intelligent way. The Horse Nation of the Ocheti Sakowin is an important part of this teaching and existence. They have the wisdom, we just need to listen. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Location: Johns Family Courtyard