Gustavus DH Projects


Razor is a multimedia literary journal founded to publish literature and art, and to investigate the inner workings of the creative process. The first issue was produced by Baker Lawley's 2016 January course "Digital Literature: Editing and Publishing an Online Literary Magazine."

Gustavus Greeks

"Gustavus Greek Like" looks at the history of fraternaties and sororities at Gustavus Adolphus College. The project was researched and created through Glenn Kranking's January 2017 "History Bytes" course.

 Uncle Sam  

"We Want You!" is a course project begun by Glenn Kranking's Fall 2016 course "Propaganda and Persuasion in the Modern World." It presents analysis and historical context for examples propaganda and analytical essays on connections between propaganda.

A Tree Grows

"A Tree Grows in Schaefer Gallery" is an interactive and environmental gallery space, housing various individual artworks and a larger collaborative project. This project came out of Micah Maatman's January 2016 course "Arts Entrepreneurship."

Homer Multitext Project

Students in the Classics Department, under the advising of Eric Dugdale, have been contributing the to Homer Multitext Project, a multi-institutional project to digitize the earliest surviving manuscript of The Illiad.

GustavusMap App

A group in Glenn Kranking's January 2014 course "History Bytes" produced an app for the iPhone on the history of buildings at Gustavus, using research from the Gustavus Adolphus College Archives. The app is now available on iTunes.

Gustavus Tuition

Researching the cost of tutition at Gustavus, students in Glenn Kranking's January 2017 course "History Bytes" charted the changes over time and explored what factors go into the cost of tuition.


Students in Jeff Jenson's January 2017 course "Genealogy: Research and Exploration" created family timelines.