Campus Safety FAQ

  • What role does Campus Safety play in the conduct process?

    • Campus Safety only provides information in the form of reports, testimony, or sometimes as the Complainant; officers do not know conduct outcomes or participate in the decision of responsibility.
  • What happens to an item if it is confiscated by Campus Safety?

    • Confiscated property is secured in evidence lockers located in Campus Safety. Depending on nature of the item you might be able to pick it up to take home (like a Hookah that violates College policy or a flask in use by an underage person) but must make arrangements in advance with the Director of Campus Safety. All illegal materials are disposed of/destroyed.
  • What information is released about an incident?

    • The Daily Crime Report available in the Campus Safety office and on their web page contains the date, time, location, and incident type for all violations that are responded to by Campus Safety. The short narrative containing these details is also published in the weekly crime report submitted to the Gustavian Weekly. For CF responses when Campus Safety is not called, those are added to the Daily Crime Log when an alcohol or drug violation is adjudicated in the conduct process, and a short narrative (date, time, location, violation) included in the Weekly crime report. No personal identifying information or room numbers are published in public information.
  • Can I view an incident report or a video documented by a Campus Safety officer?

    • Because of confidentiality, all review of reports/materials must be pre-arranged and approved by the Director of Campus Safety.
  • Is there a close working relationship with local police?

    • Yes. The Campus Safety Officers work closely with local law enforcement agencies in aiding with the investigation of crimes committed on campus.
  • When are the Saint Peter Police called during an incident?

    • When an non-student violates policy; when any involved persons are non-compliant or a danger to themselves or others. The police are also called to investigate serious crimes. Any person wanting to report any crime to the police can also request that they be called to respond to campus.
  • Can the Saint Peter Police Department come on campus, and can they enter Residence Halls?

    • When contacted by Campus Safety or when responding to 911 calls, or investigating any reported crime or incident.
  • When can a Campus Safety Officer enter or search my room? 

    • Campus Safety Officers can enter residence hall rooms without giving prior notices in the following situations:
      • When immediate entry is necessary to prevent injury to property or people due to concerns over maintenance, building security, or law enforcement.
      • When immediate entry is necessary to determine a resident's safety.
      • When immediate entry is necessary to comply with state law or local ordinance.
    • Campus Safety Officers can search a student’s when the resident gives consent or when a Dean from the Dean of Students approves an administrative search of the room. For more information, refer to the "Privacy" Section of the Student Code of Conduct in the Gustie Guide.
  • Are the weapons listed in the College weapons policy the only weapons not allowed on campus?

    • No, such a list is not all inclusive. Weapons that are also a violation of state law may not be on the list but are still not allowed. Additionally, any object used as a weapon to cause injury to another person can be interpreted as a weapon and charged under the weapons policy as a violation.