
Volunteers in the Elders program serve within nursing homes and assisted living apartments in the St. Peter community. Volunteers foster positive relationships with residents through bingo, crafts, and conversation during a weekly activity night. The Elders Program houses three smaller subsections. Elders meets once a week or once every other week as a group for an hour to lead an activity. Adopt-a-Grandparent meets once a week for an hour to foster a positive relationship more directly with individual residents.


The mission of the Elders Program is to build mutually beneficial relationships between committed and enthusiastic Gusties and residents of elderly care facilities. Elder’s fosters companionship and happiness by working with residents to enrich their quality of life through weekly activities and one-on-one relationships.

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining the Elders program, please email Eavan McCormick, Community Engagement Center Program Coordinator

We are in the process of looking for Gusties to join this program. If you would like to be a involved, please email one of the coordinators listed down below!

Program Activities

We believe in helping elders maintain their quality of life. Our group focuses on trying to improve the livelihood of elderly St. Peter residents in long-term care facilities. Volunteers provide companionship, help maintain cognitive and social skills, build confidence, and act as a “family”.

There are two options with the Elders Program depending on your availability and desired involvement: Elders and Adopt-a-Grandparent.

Community Partners
Ecumen Sand Prairie (Current Partner)


Ecumen Prairie Hill (Current Partner)


Benedictine Living Community (Current Partner)


Pheasant's Ridge (Previous Partner)


Name Role Gustavus Email Address
Marena Hinz Elders Coordinator marenahinz@gustavus.edu
Tori Zachman Elders Coordinator torizachman@gustavus.edu
Brenna Thordson Elders Coordinator brennathordson@gustavus.edu
Libby Lozinski Adopt-a-Grandparent Coordinator libbylozinski@gustavus.edu