Summer Opportunities in Archaeology and Classics
1. Excavation Opportunities:
The Archaeological Institute of America maintains a database of archaeological fieldwork opportunities.
Athenian Agora (December deadline). Student Schumacher Steinke ’02 participated in this excavation at the heart of Athens.
Santa Susanna Field School, Portugal (May deadline). Amie Goblirsch ’16, Iker Ortiz Hidalgo ’17, and Charlotte Cowdery ’19 have participated in this project. Since 2016, the cost of tuition for one Gustavus classics major has been generously covered by classics alumna Emily Kehm Smith '06 and her husband Austin.
Doclea Field School, Montenegro (April deadline). Hannah Kerber ’18 has participated in this project.
2. Summer Programs:
American School of Classical Studies at Athens (January deadline)
- Funding:
American Academy in Rome(December deadline)
- Funding: see website. Also Eta Sigma Phi Fellowship $2575 (for seniors)
Summer School in Byzantine Greek in Istanbul, Turkey (April deadline)
- Tuition is free for all participants, thanks to a grant form the Andrew W. Mellon foundation
- Additionally, accommodation in a shared apartment, airfare to/from Istanbul, and a meal plan for the duration of the program covered for 4 participants.
The International Byzantine Greek Summer School at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (April deadline)
- Another opportuniy to study Byzantine Greek. This well-established course teaches Byzantine Greek at Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced level and allows early learners to engage with original Byzantine texts from the start.
- Tuition assistance in the form of bursaries available.
The Paideia Institute offers three opportunities for undergraduates:
Living Greek in Greece: improve your knowledge of ancient Greek through a conversational approach at a sea-side village on the Peloponnese in Greece. Open to those who have completed one year of ancient Greek.Full and partial scholarships available to meet financial need.
Living Latin in Rome: improve your knowledge of Latin through a conversational approach. Full and partial scholarships available to meet financial need.
Summer Humanities Internships in Rome: develop marketable skills through real world work experience in the classical humanitiees in areas such as media, and development and outreach.
Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies offers a variety of paid internships in Washington, DC and in Greece. Gustavus classicists James Skoog '17 got the digital humanities internship in Washington DC. CHS is located in the swank embassy district of DC, next to the Italian, Brazilian and Danish embassies and right across the street from the Clintons' house.
3. Other Funding Opportunities:
- Flory-Freiert Fellowship (for Gustavus students) $2,000 (December deadline)
$1000 Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship (open to juniors and seniors—last year 19 scholarships were awarded)
Minority Scholarship: The Society For Classical Studies: Minority Scholarship In Classics And Classical Archaeology $4500
Other Fellowships:
- and-fellowships-offered-us-classics-associations#Undergraduate Students
- Microgrants for classics undergrads with needs: