"The U.S., Drugs, and Guns in Mexico: Lessons from the Mexican Human Rights Organization Comit?? Cerezo" - Francisco CerezoOctober 9, 2013 at 7–9 p.m.
Francisco is a founding member of Comit?? Cerezo, an organization committed to promoting and defending the human rights of victims of political repression in Mexico. Three of Francisco's brothers were targeted for their student activism in Mexico City and were placed in federal prison where they were physically and psychologically tortured. The Comit?? is active as part of a national campaign against enforced disappearances and provides protection to human rights defenders. He is traveling in the Upper Midwest with Witness for Peace. This lecture is sponsored by LALACs, Peace Studies, Sociology/Anthropology, and Political Science.
ContactThia Cooper — 507-933-6296