Announcement: Soup and Sandwich Seminar: Have Mining Activities Increased Mercury In Fish In The St Louis River
Presenter: Dr. Jeff Jeremiason, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Studies
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 11:30a.m. " 1:00p.m., Melva Lind Interpretive Center
Current and historic mining of primarily iron has impacted the water chemistry of the St Louis River and there is concern that the altered water chemistry has impacted the behavior of mercury in the River and resulted in elevated fish mercury levels. This talk will examine recent research done by Gustavus students on bioaccumulation and cycling of mercury in the River and the freshwater estuary between the St Louis River and Lake Superior.
*Meal served at 11:30am. Talk begins at 12:00pm and is over by 1:00pm.
Cost is $8 for Arboretum Members, $9 for non-members.
Credit card: Go to or call the Ticketing Office at 933-7590 to register.
Check: Mail to Shirley Mellema, Linnaeus Arboretum, 800 West College Ave., St. Peter, MN 56082
Questions? Please contact or call 933-6181.