"Sky Dance": Observing the Courtship Display of the American WoodcockApril 18, 2011 at 7–9 p.m.
April 18, 2011 at 7–9 p.m.
Location:Minneopa State Park
Come experience one of the grandest spectacles of nature: the aerial courtship display of the male American Woodcock. Coined the "sky dance" by legendary ecologist Aldo Leopold, the display of these chunky, softball-sized birds begins a few minutes after sundown and lasts for an hour or so into the night, a ritual that can be both seen and heard by observers. Leader Bob Dunlap, Arboretum Naturalist. Meet at the Interpretive Center.
SponsorLinnaeus Arboretum
ContactBob Dunlap — 507-933-7199