Announcement: Reading in Common nominations sought
The New Student Orientation program invites you to nominate books for consideration for the 2010-2011 Reading in Common. A selection committee of faculty, staff, and students will meet for the first time in the next few weeks to begin the months-long process of reading and debating the merits of many great books! Please go to and scroll to the bottom of the page to find a list of past titles, criteria we look for in books, and a suggestion form. The deadline to submit is Friday, Dec. 4. This link is active year-round so if you come across a great option at any point in the year you can send it in and it will be saved for the next year.
The Reading in Common book has supported the Global Insight focus the past few years and this is a consideration, though not a requirement, when choosing a book. Next year's Global Insight focus is Food/Nutrition.