Announcement: Pie A Gustie Fundraising this Week


The American Cancer Society at Gustavus Adolphus organization is holding their annual Pie A Gustie fundraiser during Paint it Purple Week.  We will be tabling everyday this week from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. outside of the Evelyn Young Dining Room.  At the end of the day Thursday, the five volunteers with the most funds raised will get a whip cream pie to the face just after 10:00 a.m. at the Pie A Gustie event on the dining room stage.   You can watch it live from our Facebook page at  To participate, you can donate cash or check (made payable to the American Cancer Society) in the bucket for the person you want to get pied.  You can also donate via Venmo by stating the person you want to support and donating at @AnnWennerVolk.

Participants include:  Ashley Barker, Greta Dahlen, Seth Hardel, Tanner Hopkins, Andrea Junso, Rachel Kawiecki, Richard Leitch, Henry Noma, Lupe Reynaga, Ted Rosenback, Chasey Wedge and Lauren Williams.  Thank you to all our volunteers.

Thank you for your consideration.  Please sign up for the Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus on Friday, April 26.  Register at

TOP FIVE AS OF 2/22/24:  Tanner Hopkins, Greta Dahlen, Henry Noma, Seth Hardel and Rachel Kawiecki.