Gustavus Recent Alumni Happy Hour: Welcome 2024 Grads!September 17 at 68 p.m.


UPDATED: Due to unforseen circumstances, this event has been reschedule to Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 from 6-8 p.m. Location remains the same.


The Gustavus Recent Alumni group invites young alumni to gather with fellow Gusties who graduated in the last five years (2020-2024) at a classic gathering spot in the Twin Cities: Park Tavern in St Louis Park. 

This casual event is a chance to reconnect with Gusties in your year and other peers that were on campus when you were! Make connections while enjoying complimentary pizza and apps on the covered patio while listening to live music and enter a raffle to win Gustie swag!

Doors open at 6 p.m.! Hope to see you there!

Date: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Time: 6 - 8 p.m. CT

Location: Park Tavern Patio | 3401 Louisiana Ave S, St Louis Park, MN 55426

Cost: $10 - includes complimentary apps and non-alcoholic beverages, free Gustie swag, and entrance into the raffle