Announcement: Mayo Innovation Scholars 2016-2017 Program
Applications are being accepted for the 2016-2017 Mayo Innovation Scholars Program.
Each year a team of Gustavus students in Econ/Managementand the Sciences work with Mayo Clinic Ventures, the Center for Innovation, the Department of Surgery, and the Division of Engineering in the assessment of ideas for new products submitted by Mayo Clinic researchers. These are REAL ideas from Mayo researchers! Gustavus students have participated since the program's inception 11 years ago and have gained great, first-hand experience with research and marketability analysis. If you are interested in innovation, healthcare business, or health related product development, this program might be for you.
For more information see
Applications are due Friday, September 30, 2016 and should be submitted through your Handshake account. Search for the Mayo Innovation Scholars Program or Job ID # 399510.
Questions about the program? Contact Career Development.