Announcement: DLC/CIE Diversity Award Nominations


It's the time of year for DLC/CIE Diversity Awards recognition.

The Diversity Leadership Council's purpose is to support other organizations that advocate for diversity, equity, community, intersectionality, and social dialogue at Gustavus. We are a collective voice that recognizes the need to promote, preserve, and protect on-campus diversity. We are made up of over 20 student organizations that put forth diversity initiatives on campus.

Attached below are the links to the award nomination forms, DLC senior form, and the Faculty/Staff nomination form.

DLC/CIE Awards

DLC Seniors

DLC Ball: Faculty/ Staff Nominations

The form will close Tuesday, April 9 at 11:59 p.m. We will email nominees with further information. 
If you have any questions, please contact Hassan Almusawy (

Sincerely,DLC Eboard 23-24"

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