Courage and Light workshopJuly 13, 2009 at 24 p.m.

Time: July 13, 2009 at 24 p.m.
Location:Linner Lounge

The Center for Vocational Reflection invites you to be part of a special workshop opportunity this summer, as we pilot "Courage and Light: Exploring Passion, Renewal, and Creativity with Jim Brandenburg and Parker J. Palmer." The workshops provide teams and individuals with a powerful learning experience that ignites passion, reclaims mission and vision, enhances communication, and enriches creative thinking and problem solving. The program features a series of filmed conversations between acclaimed author and educator Parker J. Palmer (author of "The Courage To Teach" and "Let Your Life Speak") and renowned National Geographic nature photographer Jim Brandenburg. The starting point and context for their conversations is the internationally award-winning PBS documentary "Chased By the Light," which chronicles an extraordinary experience of personal and creative renewal undertaken by Brandenburg: at the height of his career, he found himself exhausted and having lost passion for his work. For 90 days he set out to document life in the Minnesota/Ontario wilderness surrounding his home by following a strict discipline of taking a single photograph -- one click of the shutter -- each day. Everyone is welcome and registration is not required, but to help us get an accurate count for materials and refreshments, please rsvp for the sessions you plan to attend to Amy in the CVR (phone x7159 or email apehrson).

Additional Times