Announcement: BIPOC and Accomplices Employee Resource Group Happy Hour


The BIPOC and Accomplices Employee Resource Group will be hosting a Happy Hour on November 16 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the St. Peter Room of the Campus Center.  Please respond by filling out this form:  All employees are welcome. 

There is no set agenda for this event; please just come and mingle with your BIPOC and BIPOC Accomplice/Ally colleagues while enjoying some good food and drink.

Please pass this invite to any employee you know that might be interested.  Let’s get the word out and enjoy an evening with our greatest supporters here on campus.  Anyone interested in being added to the BIPOC and Accomplices ERG email list can talk with Severine Bates (svbates) or Brianne Twaddle (btwaddle), or indicate their interest by filling out the RSVP form above.