Announcement: $12/hr - Phonathon still hiring
The Gustavus Fund is looking for enthusiastic, engaging Gusties to join our Student Phonathon team. This is an on-campus employment opportunity that pays $12/hour and is not contingent on student employment eligibility, meaning you can work this job on top of any other student employment or if you're not doing any other work on campus.
The Fall Student Phonathon will run September 21 through November 7, with daily shift times listed below:
Monday-Friday 5:45 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
As a Phonathon caller, you'll get a chance to call alumni, family, and friends of Gustavus to tell your Gustie story and invite them to support the Gustavus Fund. This is a great opportunity to develop skills that employers’ value.
Apply online at ASAP.
If you have any questions, reach out to Logan Campa, Assistant Director of the Gustavus Fund at