Stories from the ArbThe Arboretum in the Media

Exploring the Arboretum at Gustavus Adolphus College 
(Kelsey Barchenger and Lisa Cownie, KEYC, July 2021)

Treasure In Our Midst - Linnaeus Arboretum (Katie Roiger, MankatoLIFE, May 2020)

Winter. Run. Join two Gustie runners (Sarah Anderson ‘20 and Tierney Winter ‘20) on a winter run through the Arboretum! (Filmed by Nicholas Campbell ‘18, 2019)

Minnesota’s Linnaeus Arboretum at Gustavus Adolphus College (Stephanie George, Traveler’s Guide to Gardens, 2017)

Crew restores Borgeson Cabin at Gustavus Adolphus College (Nancy Madsen, St. Peter Herald, 2017)

Gustavus Arboretum Fall Fest Photos (Pat Beck, St. Peter Herald, 2016)

Gustavus Arboretum named one of nation's most amazing (Jessica Bies, Mankato Free Press, 2015)

The 50 Most Beautiful College Arboretums Check out #19 for a feature of the Linnaeus Arboretum! (, 2015)

Be sure to check out our Arb Sightings blog, Facebook : TheArbAtGustavus and Instagram @gustavus_arboretum for more stories from the Arb!