Info for Current Physics Students

General Links and Information

Fall 2023 Tutoring Schedule

  • Sunday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Olin 216
  • Monday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Olin 216
  • Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Olin 216
  • Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Olin 216
  • Thursday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Olin 216

Internship Links and Information

Graduate School Links and Information


You might not know...

  • The Provost sponsors students' travel to conferences to present their research.
  • The switch for the hallway lights is near the main stairwell doorway.
  • Research opportunities on campus can be taken for or not for credit and can accomodate all kinds of student schedules.
  • Gustavus maintains a "virtual lab" which allows you to use nearly all campus software on your own computer.
  • Student work opportunities are available for all students, regardless of aid qualification.
  • The machine shop is available for student projects (class and personal). Talk to a professor for access.

Departmental Awards

The Department of Physics supports several awards and scholarships to encourage its students to pursue careers in physics as well as recognize their achievement. The awards and scholarships are given to students annually. The winners are recognized before the student body at the annual Honors Day ceremony.

  • Milward T. Rodine Memorial Physics Award
    This prize is named for the longtime Gustavus professor of physics who taught from 1933-1969 and is awarded annually to a junior physics major on the basis of interests and scholarly achievments.
  • Julia Swanson Scholarship in Physics
    This scholarship was established to honor the work of the physics department faculty who provided Geral Swanson with a background that prepared him for graduate study in physics and for a career with the Bendix Corporation. The scholarship is to encourage physics students of promise who are enrolled full-time at the College.
  • John Chindvall Scholarship in Physics
    This endowed scharlarship was established in memory of 1970 Gustavus graduate John Chindvall by his parents and friends. It is awareded annually to a student majoring in physics.
  • Julian A. Crawford Memorial Prize in Physics
    This prize consists of a oneyear membership in the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The prize is named in memory of the former chair of the Gustavus Department of Physics (1967-69) and awarded to the student with "the greatest potential for contributing to physics and society".
  • John Borneman Prize Par Excellence in Mathematics
    This is awarded in consultation with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in memory of John Bornemann, a 1955 Gustavus graduate, by his family. It is presented annually to an outstanding student in the fields of mathematics and physics.
  • Physics Departmental Assistants
    This position has a nominal expectation of four hours per week in research, course development or other activities that will assist in the work of the department. It is granted once for each semester.

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