Internships and CareersPeace, Justice, and Conflict Studies Program

You can focus your search based on location within Minnesota, the United States, or internationally, or based on specific interests within the field, whether it's human rights, conflict resolution, policy advocacy, or other related areas. Faculty members and career advisors within your program can also provide valuable insights and support to help you navigate the diverse opportunities available and set you on a fulfilling path in peace, justice, and conflict resolution.

Job Boards

Career Resources for the PCDN Network
Provides resources for employers, job seekers, and interns focused on international development, peace building, humanitarian relief, social entrepreneurship, international affairs, and more.

Directory for local and national job opportunities in conflict resolution
The Association for Conflict Resolution careers board features job postings and career tips. is a place for non-profit organizations, jobs, volunteers, and activists to connect.

Minnesota Organizations

Common Cause Minnesota
Common Cause is dedicated to the proposition that a healthy democracy depends on active, engaged citizens. 

The Center for Victims of Torture (Minneapolis, MN)

International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (Minneapolis, MN)

The Advocates for Human Rights (Minneapolis, MN)

World Citizen, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN)


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Washington D.C.)

Amnesty International (Washington D.C.)

Christian Peacemaker Teams

Coalition of Human Needs (Washington D.C.)

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Friends Committee on National Legislation (Washington D.C.)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (Maryland)

Sojourners Internship Program (Washington D.C.)

The Center for International Policy (Washington D.C.)

The Institute for Policy Studies (Washington D.C.)

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) (International)

Vets for Peace

Bethren Volunteer Service


International Institute for Central American Development Studies (Central America)

International Internships offered through the Center for Global Education, GMU

Oxfam (International)

Pace e Bene Francisan Nonviolence Center (South America)

PaxChristi USA

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Stockholm, Beijing)

Excellent article on getting a job with the UN.

Resources for Professional Development and News

Committee Against Domestic Abuse (New Ulm, MN)

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Friends for a Non-Violent World (St. Paul, MN)

Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Non-Violent Peace Force (Minneapolis, MN)

Notre Dame Student Peace Conference

Peace House Community (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Plowshares Institute

Wisconsin Institute for Peace for Peace and Conflict Studies

Women against Military Madness (St. Paul, MN)

Global Campaign for Peace Education
Provides educators seeking to implement peace education programs, curricula in multiple languages as well as teacher training manuals.

Peace, Peacebuilding and Peacelearning: A Holistic Introduction
A free curriculum created by the National Peace Academic to help people create change in their personal lives, their communities, and the world at large.

Professional Development Resources for Peace Studies

University-Based Conflict and Peace Research and Educational Programs