Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies Major
The major in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies consists of eight courses and EITHER a Gustavus credit-bearing internship OR a study-abroad experience.
A. Introductory:
1. PCS 211: Introduction to Peace Studies [Also required for the PJCS minor]. Offered Fall 2023
2. One of the following two courses:
- POL 130: International Relations
- GEG 101: Human Geography.
3. One of the following three courses:
- ENG 126 Introduction to US Ethnic Literature
- REL 115 World Religions
- S/A 111 Cultural Anthropology.
B. Intermediate
4. PCS 221: Conflict and Resolution. Offered Spring 2023 and Spring 2024
5. One of the following three courses:
- PSY 232: Social Psychology
- S/A 235: Social Inequality
- S/A 113: Social Problems
6. One course from PJCS Track II (other than those taken to fulfill other major requirements). This course is to be chosen in consultation with one’s major advisor.
7. One course from either PJCS Track I or Track III courses (other than those taken to fulfill other major requirements). This course is to be chosen in consultation with one’s major advisor.
C. Advanced:
8. Internship (for Gustavus credit) OR Study Abroad Experience.
9. Capstone Seminar: one of the following two courses (They are offered in alternate years):
- (in odd years) GEG 309: Geographies of Peace and Violence. (will be offered Spring 2024)
- (in even years) REL 383: Liberation Struggles (will be offered Spring 2024).