Section 10: Specific Advising Information for Music MajorsMusic Student Handbook
Section Contents
Because of the extensive length of several of the following sections, Section 10 is further divided into six sub-sections (A-G) as listed below:
Section 10.A
The Major in Music
Formal Declaration
- Audition for Music Major
- 300-Level Lessons
Areas of Emphasis
- Arts-Management
- Music-Business
- Music-Computer Science
- Music-Theater
- Music-Therapy
Section 10.B
Music Education Licensure
- Regarding Education Courses
- Program Requirements
- Piano Proficiency Policy
- Improvisation Requirement
Section 10.C
Sample Course Schedules for Music Majors
Under construction, see General Catalog for more information and speak with Dr. Miller, Dr. Aune, or Dr. Dean.
- Major in Music
- Major in Music Education
- Music Education: Instrumental Licensure
- Music Education: Vocal Licensure
- Music Education: Vocal and Instrumental Licensure (see advisor)
Section 10.D
Honors Programs
- Honors in Performance
- Honors in Composition
- Honors in History-Literature
Section 10.E
The Sophomore Review
Music Major Portfolio
Section 10.F
The Senior Music Major Capstone Experience
Section 10.G
Continued Graduate Study
Career Opportunities for Music Majors
- Composition
- Education
- Music Industry
- Performance
Revised: October 2014