Student OrgsStudent Educator's Association (SEA)

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The SEA provides many opportunities outside the Department of Education for students wishing to complete a teacher education program. These opportunities include teacher panels, speakers from other colleges and universities, faculty forums from area school districts, and a host of other activities. The mission of the Student Educators Association is to promote interest and enthusiasm for the professional field of education, foster communication between Education majors and Education Department faculty, and promote/provide information regarding current educational issues. We also actively pursue professional development opportunities such as resume building and various speakers throughout the year. In addition, we host networking event with the goal of connecting students with current and former teachers and administrators in order to expand members' professional network and facilitate support for future teachers. We partner with our sister organization Kappa Delta Pi in fundraising events for the education department.
Application Type
Academic / Honorary

Constitution and By-Laws of the Student Educators’ Association (SEA) GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS COLLEGE Department of Education I. Goals of the Student Educators’ Association: a. To promote interest in and enthusiasm for the field of education. b. To foster communication between teacher education students and the Department of Education faculty. c. To promote professionalism in the field of education. d. To recognize the achievements of students and faculty in the Department of Education. e. To promote awareness and provide information regarding educational issues. II. Responsibilities of the Student Educators’ Association: a. Organizing and publicizing events i. Social Functions, including: 1.Open House 2.Holiday Party 3.Spring Picnic ii. Professional Functions, including: 1.At least one speaker/event a month 2.Administrative Panel and/or speakers b. Electing student representatives to serve on the Student Executive Board, the board which functions in close relations with the Department of Education faculty to foster communication between faculty and teacher education students. c. Informing students of membership with and functions of various professional organizations. d. Establishing committees and chairpersons to be responsible for specific obligations as they arise i. Student Educator's Board: 1. A minimum of two (2) social activities will be planned each semester, to include at least one of the following: a.Open House b.Holiday Party c.Spring Picnic 2. Committees must meet and make arrangements for the event. III. By-laws of the Student Educators’ Association: a. The Student Educators’ Association (SEA) and shall have one (1) faculty advisor to be appointed by the faculty chairperson of the Department of Education. b. All teacher education students are eligible for membership in the SEA. i.A membership fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) for the full year/ twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) for a half year will be required, payable to the Treasurer at the beginning of fall semester for the current academic year. The fee will be used to alleviate costs for guest speakers, campus-wide activities, and other professional and social activities. ii.A new member to the Department of Education may join SEA at any point during the year by paying the twenty-five dollar ($25) membership fee. iii.Fifth year seniors are eligible for membership in the Student Educators’ Association (SEA). c. Voting procedures within the SEA is as follows: i.A majority vote constitutes a decision. ii.Any decisions regarding expenditures, legislation, or major planning arrangements must be approved by a majority vote of SEA Board members present at the time of voting. d.The SEA shall elect members to the SEA Board : i.In April of each year, all teacher education students who are interested in membership in the SEA Board for the following academic year may submit their name to the SEA Board. ii.All teacher education students will vote for eight (8) students from the submitted names to constitute the SEA Board members. The voting will take place at an SEA meeting. iii.The SEA Board will tally the votes, recognizing the eight students (as specified above) with the greatest number of votes as the new members of the SEA Board. The advisor will maintain all voting results for a period of one year. iv.If a representative to the SEA Board withdraws from the Department of Education and/or resigns from his/her position as a SEA Board member within one month of the election, the student with the next highest number of votes in the original election will fulfill the vacancy. In all other cases, the position will remain vacant. e. The SEA Board shall elect among its members the following officers, delegates, and representatives, to be elected in the spring of each year: i.Officers 1.Two (2) co-presidents to serve a two year term. a.One (1) co-president will be elected for each academic year, that year being the first of his/her two year term. b.Candidates for a co-president position must have junior status and have served on the board for at least a semester in a non-presidential function. c.The junior co-president automatically assumes all presidential responsibilities when the senior co-president is student teaching. d.The junior co-president automatically maintains all presidential responsibilities when (s)he gains senior status. e.Co-Presidential responsibilities include the following: i.Scheduling and facilitating meetings ii. Establishing an agenda for meetings iii.Delegating authority as needed 2. One (1) secretary to serve a one year term a.The secretary shall take minutes at each meeting and distribute them to all SEA members and committee chairpersons. b.The secretary shall post all SEA meeting minutes on the SEA bulletin board, located in Mattson Hall. c.One (1) Treasurer to serve a one year term i. The treasurer will work closely with the Department of Education faculty secretary in regards to obtaining and recording SEA monies. ii. Delegates 1.Will serve as liaisons between the SEA Board and one of the following committees: a.Social Activities Committee b.Publicity Committee 2.Must attend all SEA Board meetings to report on current committee news and plans. f. The SEA will hold a minimum of two (2) meetings per month. g.If an Officer or Delegate withdraws from the Department of Education and/or resigns from his/her position and responsibilities with the SEA Board, the SEA shall vote to elect a current SEA Board member to fill the vacancy, following voting procedures as specified in the by-laws.

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