Counseling CenterWelcome

Welcome to the Counseling Center! We work with Gustavus students to enhance their personal development and academic achievement. At times, students experience personal, relational, social, or academic difficulties which they cannot fully resolve on their own, and find it helpful to talk to a professional counselor about their concerns. We provide a variety of confidential services to help students with such difficulties.

To schedule an appointment, stop in our office in Johnson Student Union (JSU) 204. You can also call us at 507-933-7027 or email us at

Follow us on Instagram for mental health insights, wellbeing tips, and information about our services. For more information, follow this link to our department's social media use policy.

@GustavusCounseling Instagram QR Code

 Fall 2023 Staff Photo
The Gustavus Adolphus College Counseling Center staff.

Our Services
Current Counseling Center Offerings:

If you are new to the Counseling Center, here are some helpful links: Welcome to the Counseling Center and Counseling FAQs.

If you are in a state of crisis after hours, you can call: