Technology Purchasing PolicyTechnology Services


The Technology Purchasing Policy is established to ensure standardized and centralized procedures for acquiring, updating, and replacing technology hardware, software, and services at Gustavus Adolphus College. This policy aims to streamline the procurement process, maintain compatibility and security of technology assets, and facilitate effective budget management. All purchasing authority for technology-related items is centralized within the Technology Services department.


This policy applies to all College employees, departments, and areas and includes any technology resource acquired, updated, or replaced with institutional funds, including departmental operating budget, annual gift funds, endowment funds, or those that utilize the College’s data, networks, and other technology infrastructure (a list of such items can be found below under “Applicable Technology”).

Requisition Process


All requisitions for technology hardware, software, and services, including updates or replacements for existing technology, must receive pre-approval from Technology Services before proceeding with purchase and/or contract signing. A prior approval does not guarantee subsequent approvals for updated or replacement technology. 

Submission of Requisition Request

Faculty, staff, departments, student organizations, and other College-supported groups seeking to acquire new technology assets or services must submit a requisition request to Gustavus Technology Services. The requisition will include detailed information on the requested items or services, a brief justification, and budgetary allocation. This requisition must be submitted prior to purchase of the technology and receive pre-approval by GTS. 

Request Consideration

Gustavus Technology Services will consider the request according to factors like: justification, timeline, availability of alternatives, security concerns, system compatibility, supportability, and cost/resource availability. Technology Services reserves the right to assess each request thoroughly within the context of the College’s strategic priorities and budget. While every effort will be made to ensure an efficient and objective process, it is the responsibility of the requesting individual, department, or area to submit requests with sufficient lead time (product or system implementation or delivery time plus five days prior to desired use) for full consideration. Technology Services will not consider requests that seek to expedite or circumvent established process norms.

Request Response

Technology Services will respond to each request within five business days of receipt except in extraordinary circumstances. In most cases, this response will be a simple approval of the request. In other cases, Technology Services may indicate the need for one or more of the following:

  1. Clarification or additional information about the requested items/services, associated timelines, and justification
  2. The establishment of a formal project review committee to perform any or all of the following:
    1. Provide a financial analysis of the requested item/service
    2. Offer an assessment of implementation feasibility
    3. Establish governance and oversight of the project or request
    4. Ensure alignment with College strategic goals and objectives
    5. Conduct a full RFP (request for proposal) process that conforms to established guidelines and best practices
  3. Review of available alternatives

If more action is requested, Technology Services will work with the relevant area Vice President(s) to determine how to proceed. 

Request Denial

After full consideration, Technology Services may ultimately reject or deny a request based on the information provided. When this occurs, Technology Services may evaluate or propose alternative solutions or timelines. If no agreement on alternatives can be reached, Technology Services will regard the request closed. Closed requests will not be reconsidered for the remainder of the current fiscal year or 90 days, whichever is greater. Outside of a reversal resulting from the established appeal process, all decisions will be considered final.

Appeal Process

Appeals may be submitted directly to the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at any point. The CTO may consult with members of the XLT (executive leadership team) and/or request additional action. The appeal process does not adhere to a fixed timeframe, but a reasonable effort will be made to address the urgency of the original request with all due consideration.

Vendor Selection and Procurement

Preferred Vendors

Whenever possible, purchases should be made from approved vendors who have pre-existing relationships with the Technology Services. This is done to ensure compatibility, support, and warranty coverage.

Competitive Bidding

For significant purchases exceeding $5,000, Technology Services may request competitive bids from multiple vendors to ensure cost-effectiveness and best value for the College. It is strongly advised that the requesting individual, department, or area also consider eventual update/replacement costs for any new technology.

Support Assessment

In some cases, Technology Services may require the requesting individual, department, or area to include third party support as part of the purchase plan, or assess additional fees to provide support that is outside the normal scope of established services.


Technology Services will review contracts and relay assent to the College’s signing authority, the office of the CFO (chief financial officer), or request additions or corrections.

Technology Setup and Configuration

Delivery Inspection

Upon receipt of technology assets, Technology Services will inspect deliveries to verify conformity with the original request and invoice.

Asset Tagging

All acquired technology hardware meeting certain criteria will be tagged with a unique identifier for inventory tracking and management.

Configuration and Deployment

Technology Services will be responsible for configuring and deploying technology assets according to established standards, ensuring compatibility with the College's network and security infrastructure. 

Software Licensing and Compliance

License Management

All software purchases must comply with relevant licensing agreements. Technology Services will maintain a centralized software license inventory and conduct periodic audits to ensure accuracy and compliance.


Failure to Comply

In cases where a technology purchase was made outside of the official requisition process, or was done despite a rejection or denial of a submitted request, the purchasing individual or department may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of service/employment. Additionally, Technology Services reserves the right to restrict hardware and other unapproved services from operation over the College’s networks. Support for such hardware, software, and technology services will be limited or unavailable.

Software Compliance Audits

Periodic audits may be conducted to ensure compliance with software licensing agreements. Non-compliance may result in corrective actions, including the removal of unauthorized software.

Applicable Technology

Following is a non-exhaustive list of technology items and services covered by this policy. If there are questions, contact Technology Services prior to making any purchase. 

  • Software
  • Online subscription services
  • Computers/laptops
  • Monitors, headsets, and other peripherals
  • Storage devices (NAS, portable hard drives, flash/thumb drives, memory cards)
  • Printers, label makers, barcode scanners
  • iPads, tablets and associated applications or software
  • Mobile phones and mobile applications
  • Conference devices, webcams, conference speakers, VOIP phones
  • TVs, digital signs, or e-ink displays
  • Cameras
  • Any device that connects to the internet, campus network, or uses wireless technology

Policy Implementation Assistance

Contact the Chief Technology Officer with questions or comments related to this policy.

Policy Authority

Technology Services has responsibility for this policy and will obtain necessary approvals for changes.