GivingShow the World

The Show the World comprehensive campaign will generate $225 million in gifts for Gustavus.

You may make a gift to Gustavus Adolphus College through a current gift, a planned gift, or a combination thereof. The advancement team can answer questions about planning your philanthropic support of Gustavus.

Make a gift by check or credit card
Sustained Giving Through Your Credit Card
Choose the amount, frequency, and designation—we do the rest
Pledge one gift or several payments over coming years
Donor-Advised Funds
Make a grant from your charitable account
Make a direct transfer of appreciated securities or send certificates; can provide greater tax advantage than cash gifts
Donate real property, personal property, intellectual property, and more
Planned Gifts
Include bequests, beneficiary designations on retirement funds, and life insurance, to name a few; customizable to your retirement and estate plans
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are over 70-1/2, you may transfer an amount from your IRA; can count toward your required minimum distribution.