Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

SART because we care

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted this is information about what you can do.

If you need immediate help, first, get to a safe place. Your immediate safety is the most important thing.

Gustavus has a trained Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), consisting of confidential Gustavus staff, available to respond to students who have experienced sexual assault. They are available to provide support, information and assist with resource referrals. All SART members have been through 40 hours of advocate training. An advocate can be reached can be reached 24 hours by calling 507-933-6868.

507-933-6868 . Ask to speak with a Sexual Assault Response Team member (SART).

Sexual Assault Response Team members

Kelli Miller507-933-7630
Jill VanOsdol ’10507-933-7524
Ivy Harrison507-933-7630

Off Campus Resources:

  • CADA (24 hour Crisis Resource for Domestic and Sexual Violence): 507-625-8688 or 1-800-477-0466
  • St Peter Police Department: (507) 931-1550
  • Nicollet County Sheriff: (507) 931-1570
  • RAIIN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): 24 hour Online Hotline or 1-800-656-HOPE or 1-800-656-4673

What to do if you are sexually assaulted:

  1. Always, as mentioned above, get to a safe place.
  2. If you think you want evidence collected, do not bathe, shower, brush your teeth or go to the bathroom. This is important for preserving evidence.
  3. If you want to have a pill to prevent pregnancy (Plan B is available in Health Service or at some pharmacies) you should take the medication within 72 hours.
  4. If you are concerned about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) or would like STI testing, staff in Health Services or local clinics can assist with this as well.
  5. If you think you want to make an official report on-campus or police report, assistance will be provided by a SART member or someone from CADA.
  6. GET SUPPORT. No matter what decisions you make, you have done the best you can. You deserve to have all resources available.

Helpful Responses if someone you know has been sexually assaulted and comes to you:

  • Believe your friend
  • Maintain a calm manner
  • Listen without interrupting - Encourage your friend to take whatever time is necessary
  • Respect the language your friend uses to identify what has happened
  • Understand that individuals from different backgrounds may express or experience reactions to an assault in different ways
  • Validate your friend's experience or reactions
  • Remind your friend that he or she is not at fault
  • Help your friend identify other safe people in his or her existing support system
  • Encourage, but do NOT force, your friend to seek medical attention and counseling - Provide resources
  • Allow your friend to make his or her own decisions