Faculty-L Guidelines


The purpose of this list is to communicate general faculty-related information to the faculty of Gustavus Adolphus College. It augments, but does not replace, existing communication channels (like Inside Gustavus, College Calendar, or The Gustavian Weekly). All Gustavus faculty are subscribed, as well as some administrators and support staff by request and with the authorization of the Office of the Provost.

Submitting Items/Deadline

To submit items simply send them via the Faculty-L submission form. Messages are normally posted each weekday morning by the Office of the Provost. The deadline for submission is noon the day before.


This list will accept new or reminder items about upcoming events that are of interest to the faculty. This includes Shop Talks, Teachers Talking, committee announcements, grant announcements, events such as the tenure installation service or Honors Day, where faculty are expected to attend, etc. Events and announcements that have broad community interest, such as concerts, recitals, theatre productions, lectures sponsored by individual faculty or departments, etc. should be submitted to Gustavus-L, and not Faculty-L. Faculty-L will not accept classified advertisements (including for sale items, thank you notices), personal notices (like kudos), political op-eds, or events not open to a broad faculty audience.

Please avoid saying "today" or "tomorrow"—instead list the day and date of event. Items should be 150 words or fewer. If you need to send more information, please include an attachment as a PDF (in PDF form) or a link to a web page.