MyGustavus Student Planning(Redirected from My Gustavus)

MyGustavus Student Planning Module

The Student Planning landing page provides links to View Your Progress (your Degree Audit), and Class Registration. In addition you will see the majors and minors you have declared along with your progress, and a visualization of your current schedule; including classes you’ve successfully registered for (shown in green), planned (shown in beige), and classes with some kind of registration error (shown in red). To watch a video on the Overview of Student planning, please navigate to

View Your Progress

This is your degree audit which shows you requirements for your majors/minors as well as your progress with completing these requirements and provides the ability to view when certain classes are being offered during the semester. Be sure to check your degree audit to make sure classes you are registered for fill in on your degree audit where you think it’s going to. Within the “view Your Progress module you can search for classes (or, see below for searching for classes using the course catalog), or view a new program. Use the View a New Program feature to see how performing actions such as changing your major, or adding a major will affect your progress.

To search for classes within the View Your Progress module:

  1. Navigate to and sign in using your Gustavus User Account username and password
  2. Click on “Student Planning”
  3. Click on “Go To My Progress”
  4. Click on the “search” button under any of the degree requirement headings.
  5. All courses for that requirement will be displayed. Click “Add the course to your plan” or click the drop down arrow next to “View Available Sections.” If “View Available Sections” is not visible for a course, that means that course is not being offered this semester.
  6. Click “add section to schedule” to add that course to your planned courses
  7. Use the filter option on the left hand side of the page to filter your list of courses

To View a new program:

  1. Navigate to and sign in using your Gustavus User Account username and password
  2. Click on “Student Planning”
  3. Click on “Go To My Progress”
  4. Click on “View a New Program”

Plan your Degree and Register for Classes

In this area of the Student Planning Module, you can take a look at your plan to see what you’ve accomplished and register your remaining classes toward your degree. After clicking “Go to Plan and Schedule,” you will see a visual representation of your schedule for the semester. Remember, courses you’ve successfully registered for are shown in green, courses you’ve planned for but haven’t registered for show in beige, and classes with some kind of registration error shown in red. Use the left hand navigation pane to see details of the courses on your schedule including specific errors of any courses that are showing in red. Use the left hand navigation menu to complete registration for courses, drop courses you have registered for, remove planned courses, or view other sections of courses in your schedule. To watch a video on the Student Plan and Schedule, please navigate to

Course Catalog: Advanced Course Search and Other Important Features

To search for classes by discipline or using many other helpful search criterion and filters, use the Course Catalog. To watch a video on the Advanced Search and Other important Features, please navigate to To access the course catalog:

  1. Navigate to and sign in using your Gustavus User Account username and password
  2. click on "Course Catalog"
  3. Use the subject search to search for courses by subject
  4. Use the advanced search to search for courses by other criteria such as time of day
  5. Use the left navigation pane to further filter your search results