Macintosh Login Password

Your Macintosh computer allows multiple accounts on a single computer. Each account has a different login username and password. Accounts and passwords are created and/or changed in the System Preferences.

To change your login password:

  1. Pull down the Apple Menu and select System Preferences.
  2. Open the Accounts system preference by clicking on the icon.
  3. Click on the "Change Password" button located in the Accounts window.
  4. You will be asked to type in your old password, your new password, and then your new password again to verify it. You also have the option to type in a "Password Hint". It is recommended that you type in "email password" if you are using your email password as your login password.
  5. Click the "Change Password" button and a confirmation window should appear indicating that your login keychain has been changed.

You can now close the System Preferences and your new password should take affect immediately.