Summer: Dutyperson Duties(Redirected from Dutyperson Duties)

During your duty week, the two duty people have the following responsibilities as well as making sure the phones and and the database are covered during the entire day. You are the mainstay in the office and responsible for triage on the database during your duty week.


  • Run the morning meeting.
  • Check voicemail for the Helpline that was forwarded to SupportSuite.
  • Periodically check the Fusion database for new tickets and assign accordingly

Noon hour

  • Make sure the phones are covered during the lunch hour.
  • Order lunch and get orders from everybody if we are doing a department Friday lunch.

Late afternoon

  • Make sure everyone has their grey box keys turned in before everyone leaves for the night.
  • Lock the cart up, make sure it is plugged in when you leave Friday afternoon.

End of the week

  • Take any backed up hard drives from the setup room or the Olin lab, file them, and store them in the file cabinet in the server room.
  • Ensure that the Olin lab and GTS Office areas are cleared of any trash and unaccounted for computers.