Faculty Senate


1. To serve as liaison between faculty and administration.
2. To serve as the primary long-range academic planning body for the faculty.
3. To consult with the Provost over the creation of Tenure Track and Continuing Instructor positions.
4. To coordinate faculty responsibilities and activities as carried out through the various committees. These duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
 a. To nominate candidates for all standing committee positions elected at large.
 b. To appoint faculty to all positions specified by this Faculty Handbook.
5. To recommend candidates for honorary degrees to the President and the Board. The Vice Chair of the Senate shall be designated to evaluate proposals for honorary degrees as they are submitted, consult with appropriate members of the academic community, and make recommendations to the Senate.
6. To serve as the review committee as specified in those situations described in the Faculty Manual in Sections and
7. To serve as an appeals committee as specified in Faculty Manual Section
8. To act on behalf of the faculty in matters such as faculty may direct.
9. To originate proposals and recommendations as it may deem advisable.
10. To have primary responsibility for updating of the Faculty Manual and Faculty Handbook. Following the end of each academic year, the outgoing chairperson of the Faculty Senate and the outgoing Faculty Secretary shall have responsibility for final editing.
11. To participate through its Chair or the Chair’s designee in the College Accreditation Committee.

Senate Membership


Meeting Minutes