Language Buddies
Language Buddies exists as a program for community engagement that develops strategic relationships for ongoing learning with Hispanic families and Gustavus students. The Language Buddies program is in partnership with the St. Peter Public Schools, the Area Adult Learning Cooperative, and Cambria. There are many forms of engagement through the main Language Buddies mission. Some of these are:
- Families. Gusties meet regularly with Latino families who live in St. Peter. In a reciprocal exchange they work on language learning and transcultural awareness.
- Kindergarten. Gusties attend South Elementary kindergarten classes to hold weekly Spanish story time through the "Language Amiguitos" program. Each session includes basic language instruction, reading, and folk songs.
- Spanish Story Time. Gusties and Hispanic community members provide Spanish Story Time at the Public Library. In 2013-14 students prepared Spanish Literacy Bags (containing: books, games, a plush toy or puppet, and interactive or artistic activities) on particular intercultural topics for families to check out and enjoy.
- Adult ESL Support. Gusties provide weekly support to adult immigrant ESL/ELL/GED students through the Area Adult Learning Cooperative and Cambria in St. Peter, Le Center, and Le Seuer.
- Adult Literacy Support. Gusties trained through the Minnesota Literacy Council work one-on-one with an adult ESL learner to support them as they learn to read a children's book in English, which at the end of the term they will read to their child at home.
- Adolescent Mentoring & Tutoring. Gusties provide weekly support to adolescent immigrant ESL/ELL students at St. Peter Public High School and North Intermediate.
- Interpretation. Hispanic Gusties and/or distinguished Gustie Spanish speakers provide regular interpretation and/or translation services through a partnership with the St. Peter Public Schools.
Language Buddies is a student Organization that originated in 2011 here at Gustavus in partnership with the Spanish section of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures as well as Latino members of St. Peter, MN. Students and families meet regularly to partake in an English/ Spanish language and culture exchange.
Language Buddies es una organización estudiantil que originó en 2011 en Gustavus Adolphus College. Trabaja en conjunto con la sección de español del Departamento de Lenguas, Literaturas y Culturas Modernas, al igual que con la comunidad Latina de St. Peter, MN. Los estudiantes y las familias se reúnen con regularidad para llevar a cabo un intercambio lingüístico-cultural con el inglés y el español.
Language Buddies GOALS are:
- To build bridges between people, such as:
Anglos and Latinos living in St. Peter. - Foster transcultural understanding
Las METAS de Language Buddies son:
- Construir puentes entre las personas
anglosajonas y latinas que viven en St. Peter. - Fomentar la comprensión transcultural
Currently, Language Buddies and PASO coordinators have united efforts through the LBSO (Language Buddies Student Organization) which acts under the same mission but to an expanded audience: "To foster transcultural competence in St. Peter and within the Gustavus Adolphus College campus." These students will be in conversation with other student organizations such as the Hmong Organization, the International Cultures Club, OLAS, and the Asian Studies Club. LBSO should reflect a coalescence of GAC voices serving multicultural challenges at a micro and macro level.
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Name | Role | Gustavus Email Address |
Jessica Ruud | Coordinator | |