The LessonNovember 21, 2008 at 810:30 p.m.

Time: November 21, 2008 at 810:30 p.m.
TicketsAvailable 2 weeks prior to performance at 507-933-7590
A student, eager to learn quickly to qualify for her total doctorate exam, attends a private lesson in the house of a well-known professor and is guided through the basics of arithmetic, linguistics and comparative philology, only to be interrupted by the Maid who warns the professor to be cautious, and avoid philology, which can "only lead to crime!" The plot unfolds as the characters wrestle through language, the ultimate instrument of power. The Lesson is a masterpiece of the theatre of the absurd and surrealist avante garde and pushes the boundaries of morbid humor in the depths of darkness written by Eugene Ionesco and directed by Henry MacCarthy.
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