Announcement: Soup and Sandwich Seminar: On Being a Citizen of the Refrigerator: Sustainable Eating Beyond "Food Miles"


On Being a Citizen of the Refrigerator: Sustainable Eating Beyond "Food Miles"

Dr. Lisa Heldke (Department of Philosophy and Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Program)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 11:30am " 1:00pm

Michael Pollan calls eating the vote we make three times a day. Local food and organic food are among the fastest growing components of the retail food market. There is no question that many of us are interested in making food choices that support environmental sustainability. For many of us "eating local" seems like an easy and obvious way to "do the right thing" environmentally. What are some of the limitations of thinking about sustainability only in terms of "food miles?" What other factors might we consider? How do the concepts of food citizenship and food sovereignty help us to deepen the notion of sustainability?


*Meal served at 11:30am. Talk begins at 12:00pm and is over by 1:00pm.

Cost is $8 for Arboretum Members, $9 for non-members.

Credit card: Go to or call the Ticketing Office at 933-7590 to register.

Check: Mail to Shirley Mellema, Linnaeus Arboretum, 800 West College Ave., St. Peter, MN 56082

Questions? Please contact or call 933-6181.

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