Announcement: Soup and Sandwich seminar: Neurobiology of Emotions: Defining "Self" Through Literature and Sub-Conscious Emotional Memories
Presenter: Dr. Sanjive Qazi, Biology Department
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Thursday, April 19, 2018
Interpretive Center, Linnaeus Arboretum
What happens when you hook yourself up to electrodes and read Shakespeare? Dr. Sanjive Qazi tells us about his recent "Neurobiology of Emotions" J-term class in which students directly explored the intersection between arts and science through the study of Shakespeare's plays and models of sub-conscious memory formation in the brain. Through measurement of sub-conscious emotional output using non-invasive devices, the formation of emotional memories can be directly observed in real time while experiencing literature or any art form. Students gain understanding of how emotional memories are formed and attempt to model emotional responses to gain understanding of the sub-conscious self.
*Meal served at 11:30 a.m. Talk begins at 12:00 p.m. and is over by 1:00 p.m.
Cost is $8 for Arboretum Members, $9 for non-members.
Credit card: Go to or call the Ticketing Office at 933-7590 to register.
Check: Mail to Shirley Mellema, Linnaeus Arboretum, 800 West College Ave., St. Peter, MN 56082