Psi Chi presents: Dr. Meaghan Kirschling of One Agora Integrative Health. The connection between the brain and gut.April 24, 2019 at 6:307:30 a.m.

Time: April 24, 2019 at 6:307:30 a.m.
Location:Beck Hall 202

Dr. Meaghan Kirschling, DC, APRN, RN, CCN, MS of One Agora Integrative Health will be speaking on The Brain-Gut Axis: The connection between the health of the brain and digestive system. Dr. Kirschling has a passion for education and integrative health, and has both an allopathic and alternative medicine background. With a doctorate of chiropractic, B.S. in exercise science, and masters in nursing and nutrition, this talk would be great for all majors! She currently works with patients in an integrative environment treating people across the health spectrum for health concerns such as Functional Neurological Disorder, metabolic, hormonal, and digestive system issues, and much more.

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