Announcement: Noodles Fundraiser for American Cancer Society at Gustavus - December 11 - 4-8 p.m.
The American Cancer Society at Gustavus organization invites you to our Noodles Fundraiser on December 11 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Adams Street location in Mankato. When ordering online or in person, just mention the "Giving25" code and 25% of qualifying sales will directly benefit our fundraiser. On the day of the fundraiser, order online at or on the Noodles app. At checkout, enter code "GIVING25" in coupon code and hit "Apply." Look for the red check for confirmation and proceed to checkout. If ordering in the restaurant, simply mention American Cancer Society fundraiser when ordering. We will receive 25% of qualifying sales for orders from 4 to 8 p.m.
ContactAnn Volk — 507-933-6215
Additional Times