New Faculty Scholarship ShowcaseApril 21, 2020 at 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Join us on Tuesday, April 21 for New Faculty Scholarship Showcase - Keenan Hartert. With the advent of personalized genomics, cancer medicine must be tailored based on the patient tumor’s genetic predisposition. By integrating clinical and genomics data, our team at the Mayo Clinic was able to identify patients that showcased a significantly higher response rate to a targeted therapy than the standard therapy based on the presence of 3 genetic alterations. Combining the results of this integrative analysis with emerging results will allow clinicians to assign targeted therapy combinations that treat the individual instead of a wholesale strategy that fails large percentages of the population. Ultimately, harnessing genetics has allowed us to take medicine to the individual level, and in the future we hope to see these principles applied across many disciplines. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the Heritage Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m