Mason Woods DedicationMay 11, 2012 at 4–8:30 p.m.
You are invited to help the College dedicate the Linnaeus Arboretum's Deciduous Woods, which has been named in honor of Drs. Charles and Harriet Mason by the Board of Trustees, on Friday, May 11. The Arboretum staff will host informal tours starting at 4 p.m., with the dedication scheduled to begin in the Deciduous Woods at 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend a dinner following the event in the Three Crowns Room in the C. Charles Jackson Campus Center at 6 p.m. Cost for dinner is $15 per person for Arboretum members and $17 for nonmembers. RSVPs are requested by Wednesday, May 2. Call or email Shirley at 507-933-6181 or to register.
SponsorLinnaeus Arboretum
ContactShirley Mellema — 507-933-6181