Join the Writing Center's International Write-In event!May 2, 2016 at 7–9 p.m.
Come enjoy Gustavus Writing Center's Write-In at the Courtyard Cafe!
We'll have a collaborative Writing Time Capsule, where we leave written notes for future Gusties. Tutors will be available for questions on end-of-semester papers and projects, candy and refreshments will be provided.
This event is part of the International Write-In, a consortium of over 70 small liberal arts college Writing Centers that host writing events on their campus between April 24 and May 5. You can follow other schools in the International Write-In on Tagboard at We will be publicizing the Gustauvs Write-In with the hashtag #intlwritein on social media platforms, sharing photos and writing from GAC.
SponsorThe Writing Center
ContactBaker Lawley — 507-933-7402