Announcement: Innovation Scholars Program Application


Interested in first hand biomedical research and marketing of a real-world, innovative health care product from HealtheMed, a health care company that is part of Minnesota Medical Alley? Please consider applying to join the Innovation Scholars Program team for Gustavus for 2024-2025.

From October-February, four Gustavus junior or senior students work together with a graduate student mentor and Gustavus faculty/staff to explore an innovative health care product to improve health outcomes through predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms. At the conclusion of the project, students present their recommendations to the company and other campus teams/researchers. For more information about last year’s team from Gustavus and their work in the Innovation Scholars Program, please listen to this Gustavus Health Professions Podcast episode.

Application materials are due September 25. Please check out the website at for more information about the program, project timeline, and the application process. Contact Dr. Lynnea Myers, faculty mentor, with any questions at