Announcement: IES Abroad rep and the IES Nantes, France program director, on campus, Tuesday, March 4th!


IES Abroad rep Susan Hansen and the IES Nantes, France program director, Dr. Thibaut de Berranger will be on campus on Tuesday, March 4th! They will be tabling in the lower level of the campus center from 9:30 am - 2 pm. Beyond Nantes, Gustavus approves IES programs in Amsterdam, Beijing, Shanghai, Paris, Vienna, Buenos Aires, London, Nagoya, Christchurch (New Zealand). Come with all your questions! Follow up with a Peer Advisor at the CICE to learn about application deadlines and procedures.

If you would like a meeting with or class visit from Dr. de Berranger or Ms. Hansen, please contact Jill Fischer, ext 7546,

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