Gustie Greeter Open HouseFebruary 25, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Gustie Greeters are a group of returning student leaders who plan, organize, and lead incoming students through New Student Orientation. Each Gustie Greeter leads activities, discussions, and events during the four-day orientation program, and throughout the entire year. Gustie Greeters are resources, friends, mentors, and leaders on campus for incoming students. The orientation program is designed to offer incoming students an easier transition to their new life at Gustavus. Gustie Greeters answer questions, provide support, organize activities to meet other new students, and generally help incoming students through the "bumps" college life can present. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, join us for our open house at 7 PM on February 25th to learn more about how to become a Gustie Greeter!
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