Announcement: Gustavus Ambassadors are Seeking Recommendations for New Members for 2009-2010


The Gustavus Ambassadors are seeking faculty, staff and administrator recommendations for new members for the 2009-2010 academic year.

The Gustavus Ambassadors exists to enhance the public image of Gustavus and assist present administrative offices including Alumni Relations, Church Relations, The Gustavus Annual Fund, Institutional Advancement, Admission and College Relations in attaining their goals.

This body of student leaders is devoted to exemplifying the viability of the college's credo by acting as a resource for the greater Gustavus Community. Members will represent student leadership and opinion in an articulate manner, promote the positive image of the college at all times, and respond to the college's needs. Members strive to support each other and the community by acting with professionalism and showing high integrity during activities and interactions. While hosting our events, it is our goal to provide a fun, comfortable, and enthusiastic atmosphere for all. Gustavus Ambassadors is an organization that continually seeks to grow as a group, while encouraging personal growth within each member.

Please forward all recommendations to either Katie Nelson ( or Stephen Grimsby ( Applications will be due April 3, 2009.