"God vs. Atheism: Engaging Natural Science and Religion"February 1, 2010 at 79 p.m.

Time: February 1, 2010 at 79 p.m.
Location:Olin Hall 103

Many Americans assume that natural science and religion are in conflict. This impression is heightened when some Christians reject evolution and when a scientist, such as the Englishman Richard Dawkins, can be heard in the media claiming that Darwinian evolution denies the existence of God.

How can believers respond to those who make such (anti-) religious claims in the name of science? This course will consider the capabilities and limits of science and the capabilities and limits of theology. It will examine the concept of ongoing creation and its implications for understanding science and religion. How can we understand Genesis, evolution, and theology? What are the dangers of giving too much or too little authority to science? How is the vocation of the Christian in the world affected by science? What are the possibilities for a new engagement of science and theology?

(This not-for-credit course is the fourth series we have offered in the Exploring Religious Questions Series. It will be taught and facilitated by Dr. Darrell Jodock, with teaching assistance from other members of the religion and science departments. Session dates include Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, and March 1 -- snow date March 8.)