Faculty Trivia NightMarch 11, 2022 at 4:306 p.m.

Time: March 11, 2022 at 4:306 p.m.

Mark your calendars!  KCEL presents the SECOND ever Gustavus Trivia Night!  On Friday, March 11, at 4:30, put on your thinking caps and show off your best useless facts as you compete with your fellow faculty for the world's most prestigious prizes:  books, pens, t-shirts and bragging rights.  Come with a team of up to five people or join one when you arrive.  Special questions will feature fun facts about GAC new faculty members, so now's the time to strike up a conversation and dig all the skeletons out of their closets.  Trivia will take place in the Interpretive Center and a Zoom option will be available for those who prefer their fun facts as far fetched and far flung as feasible.