Curricular DiscussionJanuary 18, 2019 at 2:304:30 p.m.

Time: January 18, 2019 at 2:304:30 p.m.

This faculty discussion will focus on the following curricular areas: Human Behavior and Social Institutions, Humanities, Natural Science, Quantitative Reasoning, and Theological Studies. This is another opportunity for discussion and conversation.

The most up-to-date handbook language and Provost's Office modeling information on staffing the Challenge Seminar and the language requirement are available on the curricular revision resources website. (You may need to log in with your Gustavus account to access these resources.)

Please review these documents in advance of the discussion, if possible. For both those present and those unable to attend the discussion, a Qualtrics Survey link will be shared as another method of gathering feedback and comments.